"Fare Game" - Written and Directed by Jon Iannazzo-Simmons * Produced by Melissa Hill and Jon Iannazzo-Simmons

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mel's Miniature Scarf

My first attempt at miniature knitting! Since it's Labor Day, the place where I buy my yarn is closed, so I used some double pointed needles that I already had (No. 2) and some black and white string. Knitting on a miniature scale wasn't as difficult as I thought it might be, but I did have issues at first keeping the stitches the same size at the end of the rows. Hopefully this will be easier with different needles! 


  1. Yes! Since I'm not making Jon a sweater this year, he said his puppet has to have one ... and a scarf with the possibility of a hat and gloves to match. I just started another scarf - this time with smaller needles and yarn. I'll post pictures soon!
